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Ep. 6 · Tennis · Runner · Cover by Gustavo Castellanos

ABOUT GUSTAVO CASTELLANOS From Puebla, Mexico, Gustavo is a multi-instrumentalist who started his professional music career in 2015. Produced independently, he released his debut EP, "100 Years of Darkness" in 2017.  The Mexican Pop album's influence is based on the emotional tribulations that individuals experience upon entering adulthood. Soon after the release, he brought together a band of other talented musicians to tour live performances of the album throughout Mexico.

In 2019, he released his second EP, "Lucida Utopia".  With this album, he made a radical change in sound, aimed at Psychedelic Rock, while at the same time, sticking to the overtones of pop rock.  After the critical success of the EP, Gustavo was brought on to support nationally recognized Mexican artists; OKILLS and Natalia Lafourcade.

Gustavo is heavily invested in the post-production process, which you can get a glimpse of in this "Runner" video, which highlights his passion for self production, recording, and diffusion.  You can discover more of his music on his YouTube channel, which has achieved over 500K views, spread throughout Latin America, Europe, and North America.   

Watch more of Gus's videos here:

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